
GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

GMKC General Meeting and Board Meeting

Turning Point
Turning Point is a local battered women’s shelter. Every Christmas the Greater Monroe Kennel Club sponsors one or two families to provide gifts for mother and children. Each family makes out a list of needed and wanted items and the members of GMKC answer the request…. with lots extras. Gifts are of clothes, coats, shoes, gift certificates, toys, toiletries and a host of other very needed items.
Sponsorship of Turning Point works also with our Project Pet Safe
Project Pet Safe
When a woman and her children enter the Battered Woman’s Shelter she doesn’t want to leave her pets behind. Many women will often hesitate to leave an unsafe situation for fear of their pets being harmed or neglected. In co-operation with the Battered Woman’s Shelter our Pet Safe Project fosters the pets and cares for them as long as the family remains with the shelter. Which can be from a few days to several months. This often requires lots of reassurance to the women as well as the children that their pet will be well cared for and returned.